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I love painting the vast Australian panorama in watercolour, the clarity and colour of our sun drenched landscapes are simply stunning..
The outback and bushland scenes that I depict in watercolour form a deep connection with me. My landscapes may be softly filled with blues and greys or bright with the vibrant reds and purples of the outback.
I am in such awe of the natural world, my watercolour landscapes  are rarely cluttered with any signs of  industry and are untouched by the human hand.

our-jude scott_edited.jpg

The Arbor-watercolour-Jude Scott-38 x56cms-sold

Misty Days -28 x 36 cms- available

Mistty Days-Watercolour-Jude Scott-28 x 38 cms

Riverside.100 x 80 cms

Serenity-watercolour on aluminium-95 x 75 cms-sold

Bay of Fires

Bay of Fires-Tasmania-watercolour-Jude Scott-38 x 56 cms

A River Somewhere-38 x 56 cms-watercolour-jude scott_edited.jpg

A River Somewhere-watercolour-JudeScott-38x56cms-sold

Tranquil Waters-28 x 38 cms-watercolour-jude scott

Tranquil Waters-watercolour-Jude Scott 38 x 56 cms-sold

Lake Ballard-28 x 38 cms-watercolour-jude scott_edited.jpg

Lake Ballard-watercolour-Jude Scott -38 x 56 cms-sold

Sunrise Mt Robinson-Jude Scott-Watercolour-56 x 38 cms (5).JPG

Sunrise Mt Robinson-watercolour-Jude Scott-38 x 56cms

Take Me Cross the River-Waterolour-Jude Scott-80x60cms-1_edited.jpg

Take Me Cross the River-Jude Scott-watercolour on aluminium-95x 85 cms

Bells Gorge-Oil-124cms x 84 cms-Jude Scott_edited.jpg

Bell's Gorge-Oils on Aluminium-Jude Scott-124 x 84 cms

Scott-Jude-Emergence-Oils (3)_edited.jpg

Emergence-Oil on Aluminium-Jude Scott-124 x 84 cms

Morning Light-64x85 cms-watercolour on aluminium board-Framed in birch-Jude

Echoes from the Past- watercolour on Aluminium-84x78 -Jude Scott

Mists of Time-Watercolour-38 x 56 cms-Jude Scott
Early Light           -Watercolour        -56 cms x 38 cms-Unframed.JPG

Morning Light-Watercolour-56 x 38 cms-JudeScott

Trekking the Gorge-38 x 56 cms-watercolour-jude scott

Trekking the Gorge- Watercolour-56 x 38 cms-Jude Scott

Mists of Time-Watercolour-38 x 56 cms-Jude Scott

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